Hi, I'am a Bzz Agent and lucky enough to be invite to the Meijier Gallery Wrapped canvas campaign!! This was all new to me for I have never own a Canvas wrap picture before, so I was just filled with excitement. I have all kinds of family picture's, mostly the kids, but none of just my husband and I. After discussing how to use my free coupon for a 11x14 canvas print, the family decided that Mom and Dad should have one alone, which I proudly display in our living room along the kids school picture's, oh how nice it looks', it makes me smile every time I walk and look at it.
Didnt know that Meijier made Gallery Canvass Wrap's, I didnt either, I'am so use to just uploading picture's to the computer and print, if I wanted to. So, this is great news to you!. So how can you have one made you may ask? It is so simple.Get our your memory card or any digital version and head to Meijier and go head to the Hp Photo kiosk machine and select picture options, and just follow the steps, then head to the counter. It really is that simple. Now I forgot my reading glasses and I want to tell you that they offer great customer service, for they did it all for me!!
Now if I didnt have a free coupon, what would it cost you for a 11x14, it would be $39.99, which is a great price for the quality work that Meijer did, with my selection. It look's expensive, not cheap. The canvas feels and looks like a oil print. It was pulled tight around the frame and when you rubbed the edge's, you could not feel any nail's, tack's, just a nice smooth surface. They have so many size's and offer's to choose from. It's what I would call a priceless treasure, that can be passed down for each generation to remember you by and they make great gift's.
How long did it take is a great question that I should answer for you, get ready for this, about 12 hour's, WOW! What anymore information, go to..http://www.meijer.com/content/content_leftnav_manual.jsp?pageName=meijer_photo&icmpid=headerphoto
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