Monday, April 30, 2012

Hill's Science Diet, Ideal Balance

       Hi I'am a Bzz Agent and was sent a free 3.5 LB bag of Ideal Balance for cats ages 1 thru 6 years, made by Hill's Science, the leader's in making the best healthiest  pet food, on he market. When I received the bag I went to open it and noticed that it was resealalbe , how cool is that I thought, I love it for it will keep Scarlett's, my four year cat, food fresher and help me not to spill it, when not in use, a plus for us both. I took a scent and noticed that it have a nice aroma to it,  appealing, not like the brand I was feeding her at the moment, which was bleak and dull.I looked at the package and saw that it's first ingredient was fresh chicken, now it all made sense, as to why it had this nice aroma to it, I was smelling chicken, for most all cat food first and main ingredient is corn, which is filling but not that good for them.

    Anytime you want to introduce you cat or dog, in my case being a cat named Scarlett to a new food, you should always start slowly,by mixing some amount of the new food with the old, so they they dont get sick, from the food change, remember for this is very important. By the end of the week I was feeding her nothing but the Ideal Balance which she loved, and if she could talk she would say I love it , keep buying this, for I feel even better than before. Why you ask??? Not only does it start with chicken, but it has fruit. vegetables, including  including cranberries, plus it is made with whole grains,with out any artificial colors. It is a highly disgestible  protein formula, design with your pet in mind, so of course she feels better and is a much happy cat.

   You cant go wrong buying this for your cat, with a clinically proven formula, antioxidates  for your's cat's immune system, no corn filler's, it doesnt take a brain surgeon to understand this is the answer for a healthy life of you cat, PLUS, this is big,100% Guarantee that if you and your cat are not happy with this product  you can get all your money back!!! how can you lose!! If you asked your Veterinarian he would agree for it is the number one choice among them. You have to let your cat try this today they make different formula's for all ages..

   Before I let you go I must tell you this That Hill's Science Diet helps provide food and shelter to homeless pet's everywhere, so by now you have to be convinced that they love pet's and want what is best for them and I know you do too...

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