I suffered from a bladder leakage, oh no did she just said that? Many ladies and gentleman too don't like to admit this or talk about it. Why maybe because I felt the same way. We don't like to admit we are getting older, so many different thing's happen as we age that bladder leakage sounds so odd to say out loud. People that has bladder issues are the ones that have a bladder or kidney disease, a little leakage was because I waited to long to go to the bathroom, I was just running on full.
I used to think it was because I drank too much water and a friend made me laugh too hard. I had a cold and was too slow or tired to make it too the bathroom on time. All kinds of silly arguments, and all I had to do was talk to a friend and believe it was nothing to be ashamed, in fact it is so common that I had to laugh at myself. Thinking it was too minor of a issues for me to talk to my doctor and seek help with, but any issues with my body is important to seek information or getting and get help if needed.
I think I have seen so making commercials that I thought this is a gimmick for these big marketer's to make money off of. As I got deeper in my research I learned just how lucky I was to only suffer from light bladder issues. I learned that many women suffered greater amounts than me, so much so they had to wear a adult diaper, plus change them several times a day! I learned how so many ladies suffered due to the fact that the bladder gets weak after delivery of a baby and the more kids you have the weaker your bladder most likely is. Plus if your like me and had a organ removed like mine was my Uterus, due to cancer it would be worse. The Uterus gave my bladder a stronger support like a wall for it to lay against, and you tear down a wall and things start to get weak and weaker.
Toward's the end of my research, I found a company that cares about this issue with women, more so than other's and it is known as Always, which is a great name for the company for the make products for every stage of bladder issue, as I read along they also aid in support to connect you with other women to give your mental relief also.
This is the one that works best for me, I love how it says discreet, I can't think of a better name for this type of product. It comes with 30 liner's, regular length that are ultra thin. They have given me a new outlook on life, now I can for a long car ride and not have everyone get mad at me cuz I need to go the the bathroom again? They have made my life fun and care free again , they are very absorbent, they work great at odor control, they are so small that I can carry one or two with me so I can be out all night long !! More or less they have given my life back to me. Always makes offers a full range of urinary incontinence products for women. If your not sure which one is better for your needs go to their site and order a free sample, it just cant get any easier than that. While you are there you can watch the video, check out all the different product's buy what you need or just get for information. I tell you what I got these free for testing purposes for SheSpeaks, but when I run out I will buy this brand for it is very good quality , and the hold up for several hours and they are so discreet to carry with me.Here is the link to their site
I used to think it was because I drank too much water and a friend made me laugh too hard. I had a cold and was too slow or tired to make it too the bathroom on time. All kinds of silly arguments, and all I had to do was talk to a friend and believe it was nothing to be ashamed, in fact it is so common that I had to laugh at myself. Thinking it was too minor of a issues for me to talk to my doctor and seek help with, but any issues with my body is important to seek information or getting and get help if needed.
I think I have seen so making commercials that I thought this is a gimmick for these big marketer's to make money off of. As I got deeper in my research I learned just how lucky I was to only suffer from light bladder issues. I learned that many women suffered greater amounts than me, so much so they had to wear a adult diaper, plus change them several times a day! I learned how so many ladies suffered due to the fact that the bladder gets weak after delivery of a baby and the more kids you have the weaker your bladder most likely is. Plus if your like me and had a organ removed like mine was my Uterus, due to cancer it would be worse. The Uterus gave my bladder a stronger support like a wall for it to lay against, and you tear down a wall and things start to get weak and weaker.
Toward's the end of my research, I found a company that cares about this issue with women, more so than other's and it is known as Always, which is a great name for the company for the make products for every stage of bladder issue, as I read along they also aid in support to connect you with other women to give your mental relief also.

Sounds great