Saturday, March 21, 2015

Leather Nova Leather Cleaner+ Condtioner

     This is the first time I ever worked with the Leather Nova Company and used any of their products, so I was thrilled to see how they worked cleaning and conditioning leather items I owned. These items would be a couple of purses, a pair of shoes and the interior of my car. The one thing that needed cleaning and conditioning  first  was inside my car.
     I owe a Lexus and 90% of the interior of my car is leather, excluding the carpet and the window's. I knew it needed cleaned from using it all winter and not cleaning it due to the fact it was freezing outside and in the garage too, what it needed worse to me was conditioning. If you don't condition leather it will start cracking and in time would cause the whole seat we will use as a example to crack all along the seat. 

     I loved how each of the three bottles can with a cleaning cloth or sponge, this was a nice thing to add saving me money or hours trying to find something to use the product with. Before I forget let me add that it works on vinyl and plastic this makes it a more mutil purpose cleaner.
     Cleaning leather  is so easy!!
 1.) It will enter the pore of the leather surfaces to easily lift dirt, grime and oil.
2.) The lifted dirt can easily be wipe away with the microfiber cloth
3.) Will reduce the toughest stains
4.) There will be so soap residue left behind
5.) This prepares the leather too be  treated with conditioner

       Leather Nova Conditioner will leather and vinyl back to life

1.) It will provide safe and durable protection to new and old leather surfaces
2.)It will add shine and suppleness to  new and old leather
3.) Use this month to prevent premature cracking and drying
4.) It leaves a rich leathery fragrance 
5.) It is water rain and snow repellent 
                     This too will work on cars interior, purses, boots, wallets belts endless line of leather products and it too comes with a cleaning sponge.

              Last of the products I testing  A cleaner and conditioner in one
1.) Harsh on dirt but gentle on leather
2.) Fast drying
2.) will instantly restore and protect your leather
3.) Basically does it all in one bottle

        All three of these are great products for you leather and vinyl and more items to keep them clean safe and lasting longer. The are safe for the enviroment, do not use these products on suede. They also come with a 100%  money back offer so you have nothing to loss here take a chance and try them I love them all they work great and the results are fabulous. Also they are all priced t fit your budget. I received all these products for free for product testing purposes and this is my unbiased opinion.

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