Thursday, March 12, 2015

Organic Rosehip Oil - 100% Natural Anti-Aging Facial Treatment- Vitamin C + A by Valentia Skin

     I love it when I get to try a product that I have never used before and this is(was) my first time trying Organic Rosehip Oil, honestly I had not even heard of it before. I do want to add that I tried a beauty product made my Valentia and it is one of the best skin care product I have ever used before. Lets first see what Organic Rosehip is starting  with its key ingredients.
     Fatty acids: the lack of fatty acids can make your sky make your skin dry and cause premature aging, I want to add that as you age your body naturally slow down in making all the oils your body need.  I have learned this personally my "hair," "nails" and skin is suffering because of this. When I was growing up I always had a oily complexion but not any more, and I had a bad thyroid and that makes it even harder for me. 
     Vitamin C: A most in skin care need, vitamin C helps repair sun damage plus, time damage, it is know for it ability to boost collagen growth and this in turn help your body to rejuvenates cellular growth to help your skin to restore itself to back to its youthful glow.
     Vitamin A: the naturally occurring vitamin A in rosehips oil helps you combat wrinkles, sun damage, uneven skin tone  hyper-pigmentation and it works on healing scars  and burns 
     Lets see I have wrinkles, uneven skin tone, age spots, sun damage, dry skin, wow I need Organic Rosehip Oil, it sounds like it would help me with so many skin issues so happy that I got to try it out.
    I have been applying the Organic Rosehip Oil to my face every day for quite a while now, and I love the way it makes my face feel it is getting softer every day now. You may say oil on you face that has to be greasy and messy, but it is not,. It not like baby oil, it just aborts to quickly and  it not greasy or oily feeling  my skin loves it it looks better with a nice even skin tone, just a more glowy look to it.
     Rub in on your nails it will make them love younger too,  for nails get dry and due to age and other factors and  they get bitter  and they get ridges in them and they wont hardly grow, now you have the answer to these types of issues, just rub it on them twice a day and they will look younger too. The Organic Rosehip oil really did the trick for mine.
     Does you hair  have alot of spilt ends, it wont grow, it feels and looks dry? If you said yes to any of these the Organice Rosehip Oil will restore your hair, just place the oil on your finger tips and massage into your scape and you be amazed by the difference it will make to your hair. If you have a scar or your skin get burned rub this on your skin and it will heal the burns and help diminished your scar.

To sum it up  I love Organic Rosehip Oil by Valentia Skin, a company that makes so many beauty companies and their products will work for you they sure did me.  Great for hair, nails, dry brittle hair, scars, burns,wrinkle dry skin, wow that is so much for one product!! I received this product for free for product testing purposes and this is my unbiased opinion.

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