Thursday, March 5, 2015

Vitamin C Serum 20% + Hyaluronic Acid Haven Arc

     I love serum, to me it is the best thing you can use on your face, I mean lotions and sunscreen are a must but the serum is the key to improving wrinkles and such. Serum goes deeper into your skin layers and heals, it is the most overlook beauty product, for some odd reason. I asked my Mom one day what brand of serum she used and she just looked at me like what are you talking about.
     Now if your going to use a serum pick a  serum that is made  with all natural or organic ingredients. I say this because they are better for you skin, and you deserve the best right!!
     Now I want to talk you about the best serum here Vitamin C, vitamin c is a key ingredients to use on your face, for it is a vitamin that  works to heal skin damage  and I feel like the sun is one of the biggest or top three things that are terrible for your skin. This brand has 20% vitamin C, organic rose hip,organic sea buckthron oil, green tea extract, botanical hylauronic, stem cells  and vitamin E, now, doesn't that just sound amazing!! Just looking and reading all the organic ingredients listed here, that tells us that we are using  a product that is going to work for face.
     Vitamin C Serum is very good at making your fine lines and wrinkles look dismished in about 8 days of use for me at least. If felt so good when I applied it to my face, it was so soothing, it absorbed very quickly into my skin. When you  go to apply this make sure that you start with a clean face and toner if you use one. Having a clean face will allow the serum to work into your skin better and unclog your pores and work deeply in the layers of our facial skin. Then you will want to follow it up with a moisturizer and sunscreen or a moisturizer with a SPF, this is vital to have healthy skin.
     This serum has a thin texture which normally I don't like but it is a great serum, so  I over look this for it will most likely last long. This is also good with helping your skin tone even out, good for age spots, it plumps, it helps with elasticity, I needed this my skin is trying to sagged, I did see some improvement on my face with it being somewhat more tighten. 

     If your not convinced that this is a good brand after reading what I had to say about it,, then try it with their risk free offer, for you can get 100% of your money back if  your not happy with how it preformed on your face. I find it hard to even think that you will want your money back, but one in a while a product will not preform for you like it did me.

I received this for free for product testing purposes and this is my unbiased opinion

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